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Letter from Cobija – VI Panamazonian Social Forum

Saturday, December 1, 2012
Cobija, Bolivia We are the people of all peoples. We are the men from the forest and the women from the rain; we are Panamazonia, the heart of the planet. In our lands and rivers, a decisive battle for the fate of humanity is being fought. On one side, transnational corporations, agribusiness and large mining companies promote the destruction of our forests and our waters in the name of a progress that benefits only the owners of capital. On the other, we - indigenous peoples, peasants, quilombolas , workers of the fields, forests and cities - are fighting for our lands, for the rights of Mo

2012 - Day of Action for Rivers

Day of Action
March 14 is the International Day of Action for Rivers and Against Dams. Every year, thousands of people around the world lift their voices to demonstrate, educate and celebrate the world's rivers and those who struggle to protect them. By acting together, we demonstrate that our issues are not merely local, but global in scope.

Festival of Chiles and Resistance in Temaca

Temaca's Annual Chile Festival
On the weekend of August 25 and 26 the town of Temacapulín became one big party in celebration of the 2012 harvest with the 3rd annual Chile Festival and 5th run of “Los Remedios.”

Agua Va! Especial de Represas Mexico

Una Mirada a la Lucha por los RiosGracias a Monica Montalvo, Comunicación MAPDER por esta introducción y por compartir la publicación "La Jornada del Campo" que pueden leer abajo. En este numero es un esfuerzo colectivo donde participan miembros del MAPDER (Nayarit, Coahuila, Veracruz, Jalisco, Guerrero, Chiapas, Sonara, Sinaloa, Colima, Oaxaca), Redlar (Colombia, Brazil, Guatemala) y sobre España y Kenia. Asi este numero nos da una mirada sobre las luchas locales pero también hay artículos que analizan el tema de las represas en relación a otras problemáticas (MDL, manglares, pri

An Alternative Power Development Plan for Guatemala

Energize Guatemala: Proposal for a Sustainable Energy Plan
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The purpose of this study is to critically examine the government’s electricity development plans and to determine if there is a more sustainable and economically efficient solution to meet the country’s future electricity needs.

Infrastructure for Whom?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
This report by International Rivers challenges the top-down approach to infrastructure projects promoted by the World Bank and the powerful Group of 20, and presents a better way. Access to clean water and electricity is essential for a healthy, productive life. Yet the top-down infrastructure projects of the past have left more than one billion poor people in the dark. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, donors have spent billions of dollars on dams and transmission lines at the Inga site. The projects serve energy-hungry mining companies, while 94% of the population has no access to elec

La gran estafa de las compensaciones de carbono

Monday, December 31, 2007
Con la excusa de promover el desarrollo sostenible, el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio, el sistema más importante de compensación de carbono, se ha convertido en un juego sucio que aumenta las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Se entregan miles de millones de dólares a las empresas químicas y a los promotores de represas destructivas y proyectos de combustibles fósiles. El rápido desarollo de la industria de los corredores y asesores de carbono presiona para que el MDL crezca y para que sus normas se debiliten aún más. Si nuestro deseo es mantener el apoyo público para consegui

Toolkit for Educators: Climate Change, Rivers and Dams

Glacial lakes in Bhutan
International Rivers has created a toolkit, Climate Change, Rivers and Dams: A Video Exploration, for educators and community leaders around the issue of dams, rivers and climate change. This toolkit includes a lesson plan that features the "Wrong Climate for Damming Rivers" 3-D Google Earth video, which uses Google Earth to visualize what might happen to the world's major rivers when climate change and the current dam-building boom collide. This toolkit also includes the video, extension ideas, and links to additional resources. Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Acuerdo Energético comprometería la seguridad energética nacional, el medio ambiente y la paz social

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Acuerdo Energético con Brasil comprometería la seguridad energética nacional, el medio ambiente y la paz social del paísPronunciamientoLima. Las organizaciones abajo firmantes, en el Día Internacional de Acción por los Ríos y en Contra de las Represas, exhorta al Congreso de la República a desestimar la aprobación del "Acuerdo para el suministro de electricidad al Perú y exportación de excedentes al Brasil" (Acuerdo Energético Perú - Brasil), y expresa su preocupación por la creación de la Comisión Multisectorial de Facilitación de Inversiones Energéticas, y

Lanzamiento de un estudio sobre electricidad sostenible en Guatemala

Monday, March 12, 2012
Martes, 13 de marzo, 2012. Ciudad de Guatemala. - Existe en Guatemala, al igual que en el resto de Latinoamérica, una gran preocupación por romper con la alta dependencia de los derivados del petróleo, y poder generar electricidad suficiente para abastecer las demandas del país. En el nuevo estudio Energizar a Guatemala: propuesta de un plan de electricidad sostenible, Alex Koberle, investigador y realizador del mismo, analiza críticamente los planes de desarrollo de electricidad existentes para Guatemala, y determina que existe una solución sostenible y económicamente eficiente para sa

I Belong In Temaca

The following is a guest blog by Irene Bonilla, whom I was lucky enough to meet and get to know while in Temacapulín, Mexico during Rivers for Life 3 in 2010. Over the past year Irene, Steve Fisher and Carla Pataky have been working on the film "I Belong in Temaca" which you can view below. Temacapulín is a beautiful town in Los Altos de jalisco, México. In 2005 the government of Jalisco told residents that they planned to build a reservoir dam that would provide water to León, Guanajauato, and Guadalajara, Jalisco. They explained that the Temaca would be flooded and demanded that the
