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The Eyes of the World Are Watching Temaca

All over the world, people are displaced, communities are shattered and ecosystems are devastated when destructive dams are built. But we are fighting back to defend our rivers and their rights. The Eyes of the World Are Watching Temaca (Paris) Comite Salvemos Temaca, Acasico y Palmarejo October 1-7, 2010, the town of Temacapulín – called "Temaca" by its residents – hosted Rivers for Life 3: The Third International Meeting of Dam-Affected People and Their Allies. Why did Rivers for Life 3 take place in Temaca? Because this beautiful, historic town is threatened by an unnecessary pr

Protecting Rivers and Rights: Ten Years after the World Commission on Dams Report

We are committed to meeting the world's water and energy needs in an equitable way while preserving healthy rivers and the livelihoods that depend on them. We have ongoing concerns about large dams and the ways in which they are being planned, implemented and operated. A decade after the World Commission on Dams (WCD) issued its groundbreaking report, the evidence continues to mount that large dams – unless they are developed with the strictest environmental and social standards – bring significant costs to people and the planet: The UN's Third Global Biodiversity Outlook (May 201

New Online Map Plots 140 Large Dams Planned for the Amazon

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
“Dam rush” would Devastate Amazon Ecosystems and PeopleAn interactive online database and map launched today graphically illustrates the impacts from more than 140 large dams at various stages of planning in the Amazon Basin. This unique resource, available at, uses official sources of information to document the shocking number of dams planned in the Amazon Basin in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, and outlines the devastation these projects would bring to the river and its peoples. The Amazon plays a key role in regulating the world's climate and is an area

La Batalla por las Represas en la Patagonia

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hidroeléctricas frente a ambientalistas POR CLAUDIO PIZARRO Publicado en The Clinic, 5 Agosto, 2010 Las aguas en la Patagonia están más que divididas. La carretera Austral, por estos días, está tapizada de carteles a favor y en contra de las centrales hidroeléctricas. Hidroaysén y Energía Austral, las grandes transnacionales detrás de los megaproyectos energéticos, han desarrollado un intenso proceso de intervención en la zona. También la campaña Patagonia Sin Represas que agrupa a más de 5o organizaciones, entre ellas Greenpeace,la Fundación Pumalin y el vicariato de Aysén. Pe

Movimiento Social Comments to RINA Regarding the Sogamoso Hydropower Project (Colombia)

Cuenca del río Sogamoso y río Chucurí, donde se tiene proyectado construir la represa.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Argumentos de las comunidades ante la solicitud de MDL por parte de ISAGEN para el proyecto hidroeléctrico Hidrosogamoso, departamento de Santander, ColombiaCuenca del río Sogamoso y río Chucurí, donde se tiene proyectado construir la represa. En ese valle viven comunidades de campesinos, pescadores y mineros artesanales que viven del material de arrastre del río. La foto fue tomada desde la vereda Sogamoso, en el municipio de Betulia, en noviembre de 2008. El Movimiento Social en Defensa del Río Sogamoso, conformado por líderes comunitarios, estudiantes, ambientalistas, organizaciones

Agenda de Ríos para la Vida 3

Descargar el programa del encuentro (PDF)Descargar la guía para los facilitadores y expositores (PDF) Descargar la lista de los facilitadores y expositores (PDF) Baje el actual Borrador del Horario del Encuentro (PDF)Baje el actual Borrador del Plan de Sesiones (PDF)

Carta al Sr. Presidente Colom urgiendole para que firme el Acuerdo Gobernativo sobre Reparaciones

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Presidente Alvaro Colom 6ª. Avenida 4-19 zona 1 Casa Presidencial Ciudad de Guatemala Tel. (502) 2383-8383 Respetado Señor Presidente Alvaro Colom, Saludos cordiales. Las organizaciones abajo firmantes le escribimos con todo respecto urguiéndole para que firme el Acuerdo Gubernativo sobre el Plan de Reparaciones para las Comunidades cobijadas en COCAHICH. Entendemos que el compromiso del 11 de mayo para la realizar los actos de la firma fueron cancelados por el gobierno, y que su oficina se mantiene en silencio al respecto desde ese entonces. Desde el final de los 90s hemos

Nuevo presidente de Chile enfrenta difícil elección sobre represas

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Publicado en Eco-Américas Julio 2010 El gobierno de centroderecha del nuevo presidente chileno Sebastián Piñera está acercándose a su primera gran decisión ambiental: si debe aprobar HidroAysén, un controvertido proyecto de US$7,000 millones para construir cinco represas hidroeléctricas sobre dos ríos de la Patagonia chilena. HidroAysén, patrocinada conjuntamente por dos empresas energéticas, la italiana Endesa y la chilena Colbún, debe presentar un segundo adéndum a su declaración de impacto ambiental antes de que se expida una resolución final. La presentación del adéndum, p

Protecting Rivers & Rights: World Commission on Dams Recommendations in Action

Thursday, July 1, 2010
The most comprehensive guidelines for large dams that protect the rights of river-dependent communities were outlined by the World Commission on Dams (WCD) in 2000. Ten years later, International Rivers is happy to announce a new briefing kit for activists and allies, "Protecting Rivers and Rights: The World Commission on Dams Recommendations in Action," as part of our WCD+10 activities to move the dams debate forward. The purpose of this publication is to provide activists with concrete examples of where and how the WCD principles have been applied, and what happened when they were ignored.

Statement of Ashaninka Communities

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Statement of Ashaninka Communities from the Ene River Basin about the Hydroelectric Dam Project in Pakitzapango The Ashaninka communities from the Ene River Basin from the Satipo Province, Junín Region, Peru, met in their XIV Ordinary Congress of the Central Ashaninka del Rio Ene, in the Pamakiari Native Community, annex of Cutivireni (Tambo River district), on May 7 and 8, 2010, to discuss the construction of the Pakitzapango Hydroelectric Plant, express the following. Considering that: Our history is full of constant abuses: we were slaved during the rubber period, stripped from our terr

Outrage over Peru-Brazil Energy Agreement

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Six dams will displace indigenous communities and threaten Amazon ecosystems Asserting its role as a regional superpower, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva signed an energy agreement with Peruvian President Alan Garcia yesterday, which includes building around six hydroelectric power plants in the Peruvian Amazon to supply more than 6000 MW of power to Brazil. The projects were designed by the Brazilian electric utility Eletrobrás in conjunction with Brazilian multinational construction giants Odebrecht and Andrade Gutierrez , all of which would be directly involved in dam cons
