
Fight Back Against Greenwash: A Guide on How to Engage with the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP)

Villagers gather in front of World Bank's Headquarters to protest Nam Theun 2 Dam. Sustainability Partner Statkraft is involved in the controversial expansion of Nam Theun 2.
Monday, May 6, 2013
The HSAP may be used to greenwash particularly destructive dams, making it important for civil society to hold dam builders accountable. This guide teaches citizens, civil society organizations, dam-affected communities, and corporate accountability activists how to understand HSAP assessments and suggests actions for holding dam builders accountable.

Đập trên hạ lưu sông Mê Kông: Cuộc khủng hoảng nước xuyên biên giới

A woman in Cambodia makes fish paste near the Mekong River
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Chính phủ các nước Lào, Campuchia, Thái Lan và Việt Nam đang có kế hoạch xây dựng 11 đập thủy điện lớn trên hạ lưu sông Mê Kông. Nếu được xây dựng, những con đập này sẽ phá hủy nguồn đa dạng sinh học phong phú của con sông và đe dọa an ninh lương thực của hàng triệu người dân.

Letter to the Editor: “Talking to the Experts: Can we improve the ESIA Process?”

Friday, March 22, 2013
Having worked as a river ecologist for over 40 years, including a number of years working in the lower Mekong and PNG, I was interested to reading your articles in the ESIA process. I have worked as a consultant conducting ESIA projects, in regulatory agencies evaluating ESIA reports and in academia reviewing reports for agencies.

Peter Hartmann: Baker, Rio Sagrado

El Rio Baker el Manzano
Friday, March 15, 2013
Una acuarela húmeda de principio de invierno, brumosa, de quietud, de tonos verdes y velos blancos más arriba, entre nubes las paredes nevadas y los glaciares. Silencio, solo a veces el chapotear del agua al hundir los remos y el intercambio de algunas frases de quienes ya formábamos parte del río. El chispear de la fogata y el mate de mano en mano. El aroma del ciprés sobre los que nos encontramos, de la tierra y bosques selváticos de las orillas buscando la luz sobre el espejo del agua.

Aleta George: Poetry and Activism Undammed

Lori Pottinger and Aleta George at the International Rivers 2012 Day of Action for Rivers event
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Back from the Kaweahs Gary Snyder Gary Snyder says that running a river is a lot like poetry: “You’re in the flow, there’s no time to stop and think before reacting, new vistas keep opening up, and in the end you’re happy that you made it through, but not certain that you’re glad it’s over.” On a clear, warm Sierra day, one sunset before the summer solstice in 2005, poets Gary Snyder and Robert Hass were two of sixteen people that climbed into rubber rafts for a combination whitewater rafting trip and poetry reading on California’s American River. The trip was a fundraiser for

Briefing: Current Status of Dam Projects on Burma’s Salween River

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
In late February 2013, Burma’s Deputy Minister of Electric Power informed Parliament that six dam projects on the Salween River in Shan State, Kayah State (Karenni) and Karen State had gained approval. With a combined installed capacity of 15,000 MW, the projects will include the Upper Salween or Kunlong Dam, Mai Tong or Tasang Dam, Nong Pha Dam, Mantawng Dam (on a tributary), Ywathit Dam, and Hatgyi Dam. The investment will come from five Chinese corporations, Thailand’s Electricity Generation Authority of Thailand (EGAT) International Co. Ltd and three Burmese corporations. Originating

The Baral River

Monday, March 11, 2013
The Baral River originates from the big river Padma (the local name of the Ganges that entered into Bangladesh from India) and flows over 220 km area of the northern area of Bangladesh it has ended in another major river of the country named the Jamuna (local name of the another trans-boundary river Brahmaputra.)

Women Water Warriors

Thursday, March 7, 2013
The movement to protect rivers and rights is full of amazing women. In our March 2011 World Rivers Review, we asked just a few of them to talk about the rivers they love. Their inspirational stories give us hope that the link between humans and healthy rivers is not yet irreparably broken. Our River is Our Name: Caleen Sisk-Franco, Tribal Chief and Spiritual Leader, Winnemem Wintu Tribe, (California, U.S.A) The name of my tribe, Winnemem Wintu, translates to Middle Water people and is taken from the name of our river, the Winnemem Waywakit, which is bounded by the Upper Sacramento

Jennifer Downey: The Madeira River

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
In October of 2012, I stood on the bank of the Madeira River in Brazil and, shading my eyes, stared at the giant Santo Antonio dam about a mile upstream. Despite the distance, its span of more than 10,000 feet meant it dominated the entire horizon, and I grappled with its scale. Construction had just been completed in March, but the scars on the landscape were fresh. The river, its animals and people were still adjusting to the massive and chaotic change to their environment.

Rocky Contos: The Río Marañon

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The Marañon River (Río Marañon) is the hydrological source of the Amazon River and flows through a canyon comparable in many ways to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado in Arizona. It is literally a dream river for raft support trips, making it accessible to people with and without whitewater kayaking or rafting skills. Due to its unique status as the source of the biggest river in the world and its other outstanding attributes, the Marañon is the most precious river in Latin America and worth every minute of conservation effort to protect it from a series of 20 hydroelectric dams that are pl


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