2007 - Day of Action for Rivers

 Ellen Choy

At least 90 actions were taken in 29 countries for the 2007 International Day of Action Against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life.

For descriptions of 2007 actions and contact information, please select one of the following regions. Click your region to find out what events happened in your area!

Africa | Europe | Mesoamerica | North America | South America | South Asia | Southeast Asia

Images from 2007 Actions Around the World!

If you held an action and have not yet contacted us, please do so as soon as possible.
We look forward to hearing from you!

For further information, please contact:

Day of Action Coordinator
International Rivers
1847 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94703 USA
Phone: +1 510-848-1155
Fax: +1 510-848-1008
E-mail: dayofaction@internationalrivers.org