International Day of Action 2007: Mesoamerica

El Salvador | Mexico | Panama

El Salvador

Street Celebration to Oppose Dams in El Salvador

MONARES (El Salvador National Movement Against Dams), along with local communities affected by the construction of hydroelectric mega-projects, hosted a large gathering and partial street closing for a celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the International Day of Action for Rivers. They spoke out against the government of El Salvador and the executive commission of hydroelectricity of the Lempa River for the violation of fundamental rights of the communities. They stood in solidarity with people affected by the construction of the El Chaparral, La Maroma and El Cimarrón dams, as well as all of the communities of Latin America that are also suffering from large hydroelectric projects. The gathering was at the Moncagua department of San Miguel and began at 8am.


Ana Raquel
Amigos de la Tierra - El Salvador
San Miguel, El Salvador


Protest at Río Usumacinta in Chiapas

Frente Petenero contra Represas organized a protest at La Cooperative Tecnica on the banks of Río Usumacinta. There are plans to construct five dams on the river, affecting the Sierra Lacandon National Park and approximately 12,000 families. They also were able to broadcast from the protest on the independent radio station Radio Libertad.


Frente Petenero contra Represas

¡Di NO a la Presa de Arcediano!
(Say NO to the Arcediano Dam!)

Instituto Mexicano para el Desarrollo Comunitario (Mexican Institute for Community Development) (IMDEC) and the organizations that compose Movimiento Mexicano de Afectados/as por las Presas y en Defensa de los Ríos (Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defense of Rivers) (MAPDER Jalisco) held a conference in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico to promote awareness, mobilization and action against the Arcediano Dam. There was information distribution, music, contemporary dance and more on March 14 under the theme ¡Por tu SALUD, di NO a la Presa de Arcediano! (For Your Welfare, Say NO to the Arcediano Dam!).


IMDEC (Instituto Mexicano para el Desarrollo Comunitario)

March Against the Benito Juarez Dam

El Comite por Defensa de los Recursos Naturales del Pueblo de Jalapa (The Committee in Defense of Natural Resources of Jalapa) held a protest in Oaxaca on March 14 at 3pm against the construction of the Benito Juarez Hydroelectric Plant. The protest departed from Cobao, following Carretera Cristobal Colon at the entrance of Jalapa Rumbo, towards the offices of the construction company. It ended with an informational meeting in an open forum at the center of the community, and included the attendance of local organizations.


César Martínez
El Cortamortaja Newspaper

Offering on the Papagayo River and Homage to Doña Margarita
(Ofrenda en el Río Papagayo y Homenaje a Doña Margarita)

El Consejo de Ejidos y Comunidades Opositores a la Presa La Parota (CECOP) provided an offering to the Papagayo River on March 14th, to announce that they will continue defending its waters -- the blood that supports their lands and gives them sustenance each day. Children of the community brought small boats whose sails were painted with words in opposition to La Parota Dam. They released them into the river to be taken by the current so that the whole world would know that the children of the communities, as well as the men and women, continue to fight for the cancellation of the construction of the dam. There was also a tribute in memory of Doña Margarita, a symbol of the resistence against La Parota. The event was held 40 days after her passing. Doña Margarita stands as an example of strength and bravery, and her memory motivates the community to continue forward in their movement against the construction of La Parota. "Seguiremos en lucha hasta alcanzar el triunfo." (We will continue to fight until we reach triumph.) The event took place at Aguacaliente, Bienes Comunales de Cacahuatepec, Acapulco, Gro on March 14th at 1pm.


Rodolfo Chavez Galindo
El Consejo de Ejidos y Comunidades Opositores a la Presa La Parota (CECOP)


Demonstration against Dams in Changinola

Groups in opposition of dams held a massive demonstration through the main streets of Changinola in Panama.



Actions in Panama for the Freedom of Communities and Rivers

Indigenous groups, farmers and Panamanian communities affected by energy policies and water supply issues increased their efforts to defend rights and fight unjust government and industry control of national resources on the Day of Action for Rivers. The organizations that form the Panamanian Network Against Dams participated in different activities planned on the national level. The indigenous communities Naso, Bribris and Ngobes affected by the construction of dams met in their Second Congress in the Risco Valley, March 12-14. The events culminated with a great manifestation through the main streets. Simultaneously in other affected areas near the Tabasara River, the organization "April 10th Movement" (working for immigrant justice) held a demonstration at the Pan-American Highway. On the Cobre River, 600 natives and farmers created a human chain under the bridges of the Cobre and Tabasará Rivers in the Pan-American route in defense of the rivers. In Panama City, an information campaign through mass media was carried out with the participation of community delegates and the support of a university student movement.


Frente Unido en Defensa de la Ecologia

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