Statement - Declaration

Lake Turkana People’s Declaration

Sunday, February 15, 2009
As Lake Turkana communities, Turkana, Dassanach, Rendille, Gabbra and Elmolo, we call for a reconsideration in the funding and support of the Gilgel Gibe III dam that is under construction on the upper Omo River. The Omo River is the main source of water for Lake Turkana contributing 80 percent of the lake waters. The Importance of Lake Turkana Turkana’s indigenous communities are highly dependent on the lake for their livestock grazing, watering, and fishing. Any impacts to the lake’s ecosystem would disrupt the indigenous economy, leading to an increase in conflicts in the area.

Poznan Declaration: World vs. Bank

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Statement Submitted to the World Bank by Friends of the Earth and Focus on the Global South, Signed on by International RiversNations are gathering in Poznan, Poland under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). To meet their obligations towards developing countries and repay their climate debt, industrialized countries must agree to appropriately and adequately finance adaptation, mitigation, and technology development and transfer. The World Bank Group is positioning itself to control key financial mechanisms of the UNFCCC. We, the undersigned organizations, oppos

Sudanese Government Forcibly Displaces More Than 6000 Families Affected By Merowe Dam

Flooded home at Merowe Dam village.
Statement by the Leadership Office of Hamdab Affected People LOHAP (London) October 1, 2008 Flooded home at Merowe Dam village. The Sudanese Government has ordered the complete closure of the flood gates at the near-completed Merowe Dam on the river Nile, causing the dam’s reservoir to fill. The decision was taken despite the lack of an agreement with affected communities on terms for their resettlement. In July-August 2008, more than 3000 families numbering an estimated 15,000 to 16,000 people were made homeless in Berti Island (roughly 20 km upstream from the dam site) and surr

Declaração do Seminário contra a Privatização do Rio Madeira e pela Soberania da Amazônia

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Nós, participantes do SEMINÁRIO CONTRA A PRIVATIZAÇÃO DO RIO MADEIRA E PELA SOBERANIA DA AMAZÔNIA, promovido pela VIA CAMPESINA (MAB, MST, MPA), em parceria com diversas entidades sócio-ambientais e culturais da região: IMV, ADA AÇAÍ, CIMI, REDE DE EDUCAÇÃO CIDADÃ, MHF, REDE BRASIL SOBRE INSTITUIÇÕES MULTILATERAIS, Lideranças Campesinas de Cachoeira Esperanza, Pando, Bolívia, CJP, KANINDÉ e COMUNIDADES RIBEIRINHAS, entre os dias 16 a 18 de setembro de 2008, Estrada do Jatuarana, Ramal Monte Cristo, área do canteiro de obras da Barragem de Santo Antonio, às margens do Rio Mad

Declaración de Lorica de la Red Latinoamericana Contra Represas

Poster from Third Latin America Meeting of Dam-Affected People
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Poster from Third Latin America Meeting of Dam-Affected People Redlar DECLARACIÓN DE LORICA 26 de Julio de 2008 IV Encuentro Latinoamericano de la Red Latinoamericana contra Represas, y por los Ríos, sus Comunidades y el Agua Santa Cruz de Lorica, Colombia Las políticas energéticas impulsadas por los diversos gobiernos de Latinoamérica, al servicio de los intereses del capital transnacional, se basan en la construcción de numerosos megaproyectos hidroeléctricos que responden a una estrategia de crecimiento y "desarrollo" económico, social y político exclu

Declaration of Curitiba: Affirming the Right to Life and Livelihood of People Affected by Dams

Friday, March 14, 1997
April 1997 World Rivers Review Special Focus: People Affected by Dams Approved at the First International Meeting of People Affected by Dams, Curitiba, Brazil March 14, 1997 We, the people from 20 countries gathered in Curitiba, Brazil, representing organizations of dam-affected people and of opponents of destructive dams, have shared our experiences of the losses we have suffered and the threats we face because of dams. Although our experiences reflect our diverse cultural, social, political and environmental realities, our struggles are one. Our struggles are one because every

Joint Statement by the Sesan, Srepok, Sekong Community Network

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
JOINT STATEMENT BY THE SESAN, SREPOK, SEKONG COMMUNITY NETWORK DURING THE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF THE 3S RIVERS COMMUNITY NETWORK ON 10-11 JUNE 2008, BANLUNG DISTRICT, RATTANAKIRI CONCERNING THE PLANNED CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOWER SESAN 2 HYDROPOWER DAM IN CAMBODIA TO THE ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF CAMBODIA We, about 200 community representatives from the Sesan, Srepok and Sekong rivers have, to date, suffered from the consequences and serious impacts of the construction of hydropower dams in Vietnam. Today, we gather to express our concerns and would like to call on the Royal Government of Cambodia

Document of the Indigenous Peoples of the Xingu Basin

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
(presented to a federal judge in Altamira) We, representatives of the indigenous communities of the Xingu River basin, Kayapó da Aldeia Kriny, kayapó do Bacajá Xikrin, Kayapó de Las Casas, Kaiapó de Gorotire, Kayapó Kubenkrãkênh, Kayapó Moikarakó, Kayapõ Pykarãrãkre, Kayapó Kendjâm, Kayapó Kubenkàkre, Kayapó Kararaô, Kayapó Purure, Kayapó Tepore, Kayapó Nhàkin, Kayapo Bandjunkôre, Kayapó Krânhãpari, Kayapó Kawatire, Kayapó Kapot, Kayapó Metyktire, Kayapó Piaraçu, Kayapó Mekrãnoti, Kayapó Pykany, Kayapó da Aldeia Aukre, Kayapó da Aldeia Kokraimoro, Kayapo B

Final Declaration of the Indigenous Peoples Participating in the Xingu Forever Alive Encounter, May 19-23, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008
We, peoples of the Xingu River, do not want to hear any more about this story of dams on the Xingu River. We do not want our fish and our animals dead, and our children going hungry. We want our forest to remain standing; we want our fishes alive, our game alive; we want our gardens and we want to keep our remedies. We need the river to be clean in order to take a bath, and to drink water without getting sick. For these reasons, we are saying once again that we do not want any dams on the Xingu River; we prohibit you from building any kind of dam on the Xingu River. he small dams built in the

Thai-Lao Hydro Projects Should Meet International Standards

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Statement of Shannon Lawrence, International Rivers' Lao Program Director, at a press briefing in Bangkok.


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