
Tell Endesa to Cancel HidroAysén for Good!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014
On January 7, news broke that the majority owner of HidroAysén – Endesa Chile – removed the massive hydroelectric project from its list of active projects. But the fight isn't over. Help stop the project once and for all by adding your voice!

Give Thanks for Chixoy Reparations

Friday, January 17, 2014
Thank Senators Leahy and Whitehouse for demanding reparations for victims of the Chixoy Dam and protecting rivers around the world! On January 16, 2014, nearly 30 years after indigenous Maya Achi communities in Guatemala were massacred to clear the way for building the Chixoy Dam, affected communities and massacre survivors have achieved a victory. The just-approved US budget bill includes long-awaited language that directs the US directors of the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank to "support implementation of the April 2010 Reparation Plan for Damages Suffered by the Communities

Tell Mongolian Parliament to Protect Rivers from Mining

Thursday, November 21, 2013
Mongolian safeguards against destructive mining are under threat. Sign this petition to keep an essential environmental protection in place to preserve this pristine environment and the communities that depend on it.

Demand Power 4 People Now

Friday, October 11, 2013
On October 12, 2013, activists around the globe are taking action to demand that the World Bank invest in Power 4 People. Please write to World Bank President Kim demanding that the Bank support clean, local power for the people who need it most.

Stand In Solidarity with Sarawak Communities

Monday, September 30, 2013
Join the indigenous people of Sarawak to demand that Sarawak Energy and the Malaysian government respect their rights and stop dam building in Sarawak.

Justice for Tomás Garcia in Honduras

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
On Monday, July 15th, indigenous Lenca leader Tomás Garcia was killed and his son Alan was seriously wounded when members of the Honduran Army indiscriminately shot at people protesting the Agua Zarca Dam without any provocation or warning. Since April 1st of this year, the Lenca community of Rio Blanco has been actively resisting construction of the Agua Zarca Dam by blocking entrance to the construction site and demanding an end to a project in their territory about which they were not consulted. Monday marked the 106th day of resistance. Agua Zarca is being developed by Honduran company De

Ayude a Proteger el Futuro de La Patagonia

Monday, June 3, 2013
By James Q Martin HidroAysén, un consorcio de una empresa Chilena y Europea, está proponiendo la construcción de una serie de cinco hidroeléctricas en dos de los ríos mas prístinos y poderosos de Chile, El Baker y El Pascua. Colbún, socio Chileno de HidroAysén, posee el 49% de la empresa, mientras que su socio Europeo Enel, la mayor empresa eléctrica en Italia, controla Endesa Chile y es accionista del 51%. Anteriormente, ambas empresas declararon que el proyecto continuaría solo si se llegaba a un acuerdo político y público en Chile. La alta oposición pública, los desafí

Una llamada para el paz y el respeto en el Amazonas

A mother and her child attend the press conference and protest on May 6, 2013 against a ban on the entry of lawyers and journalists at the occupation of Belo Monte.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Hace ocho dias, representantes de ocho pueblos indígenas de la cuenca de la amazonía comenzaron una ocupación del sitio de construcción de la Represa Belo Monte.

Los Ojos Del Mundo Estan En Temaca

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
En días recientes, el gobernador de Jalisco Aristóteles Sandoval se pronunció a favor de las comunidades y expresó “Jalisco debe ser el principal beneficiado de las decisiones y no el que las padezca.

Stand with the Ngäbe-Bugle People of Panama!

Ngäbe on boulders containing petroglyphs, in the Tabasara River. The boulders will be drowned by the dam.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
The 28.84 MW Barro Blanco Hydroelectric Project in western Panama has spurred a number of protests by the Ngäbe-Bugle indigenous communities and their allies as a result of a lack of consultation and a failure of its financiers and the dam developer to recognize the impact the dam's reservoir would have on indigenous lands and livelihoods. The local community needs the attention and support of the international community now more than ever. Please stand with them in calling for a halt to the dam, support from UN experts on indigenous and human rights, and for the dam's financiers and proponen


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