
Sinosure's possible support of the Ilisu Dam (in Chinese)

Friday, December 4, 2009
中国出口信用保险公司 王毅总经理  敬启 北京西城区汇丰园11号汇丰时代大厦 邮编:100032 尊敬的王毅总经理: 作为世界自然保护联盟以及国际鸟盟的合作伙伴,土耳其自然保护协会是土耳其国内自然保护领域的首要非官方机构之一。 我们最近获悉,贵公司正在考虑支持并介入伊利苏大霸项目。在贵公司做出最后决定之前,我们想在此表述我们深切的担忧。 伊利苏项目是世界上饱受争议的大霸项目之一。该大霸如果获建,将对自然环境

Will China Turn Its Back on International Standards in the Ilisu Dam?

The ancient town of Hasankeyf would be flooded by the Ilisu Dam
The ancient town of Hasankeyf would be flooded by the Ilisu Dam Wikimedia Commons The Ilisu Dam on the Tigris is a primary example of a dam that violates international social and environmental standards. Western financiers pulled out of the project in summer, but China is now considering filling the gap. Such support would be a huge setback for the affected communities and international civil society, and would express contempt for the environmental standards which China has helped to establish. Here is the latest. If built, the dam in Southeast Turkey will displace up to 70,000 people, dr

China Needs to Address Environmental Challenge in Africa - Report

Friday, November 6, 2009
On November 8/9, China’s and Africa’s governments will meet for the 4th summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Sharm-el-Sheik, Egypt. A report published by International Rivers finds that China and Africa have been successful in boosting their financial and economic cooperation, but have failed to deal seriously with the environmental challenges that have resulted from their growing cooperation.   The report, China, Africa and the Environment, concludes that the Chinese government has fulfilled the generous promises of increased cooperation which it made at the l

China, Africa and the Environment

Thursday, November 5, 2009
A Briefing Paper on the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation The fourth summit conference of the Forum for China Africa Co-operation (FOCAC) takes place in Sharm-el Sheikh, Egypt, on November 8-9, 2009. The FOCAC process has so far resulted in an impressive strengthening of the cooperation between China and Africa, and has reduced Africa's dependency on Western powers. Yet from a civil society perspective, the process has two fundamental shortcomings: It has boosted financial and economic cooperation, but has so far neglected to deal seriously with the environmental challenges that have arisen a

China Set to Finance Controversial Nepal Dam

Saturday, September 1, 2007
From September 2007 World Rivers Review It has been 12 years since the World Bank dropped its support for the massive and costly Arun III Hydroelectric Project in Nepal in response to local and international criticism. Today, Indian companies are bidding to construct Arun III and the Asian Development Bank and Chinese fi nancial institutions are considering fi nancing an even larger dam project on the Seti River in western Nepal that, like the ill-fated Arun project, brings few benefi ts to local people and exports all the power to India. The US$1.2 billion West Seti Hydroelectric

Chinese Dam Builders Fan Conflict in Burma

Free Burma Rangers After the army occupied their territory, 30,000 people from Burma’s Kokang Territory escaped to China’s Yunnan Province last week. The Chinese government expressed concern about the stability in the border region. It did not mention that Chinese dam builders were fanning the bloody conflict. The Kokang are an ethnically Chinese group who live in a self-administered region between the Salween River and the Chinese border in Western Burma. They have a standing army which had observed a ceasefire with the Burmese government army for the last 20 years. In April 20

Human Costs of Planned Salween Mega-Dam in War-Torn Shan State

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A new report released today provides a rare glimpse of communities struggling to survive amidst civil war and abuses in the flood zone of the tallest dam planned for Southeast Asia in southern Shan State of Burma. The report “Roots and Resilience” by the Shan Sapawa Environment Organization focuses on the ecologically unique area of Keng Kham, a community of 15,000 that was forcibly relocated over ten years ago; the majority have fled to Thailand. Today the estimated 3,000 that remain are managing to maintain their livelihoods and culture despite the constant threats of the Burma Army

Can New Chinese Investment Policies Save the Siamese Crocodile?

Riverbank tracks trace the Siamese crododile
Monday, June 1, 2009
Crocodiles bask and elephants roam in Cambodia’s Cheay Areng River valley, an area known to conservationists as one of the biodiversity jewels of Southeast Asia. Here, amidst the forest, grassland, and wetlands, Khmer Daeum indigenous communities have lived in harmony with nature along the river for centuries, harvesting nature’s rich bounties in keeping with their seasonal cycles.Yet, as ominous as the arrival of Southeast Asia’s annual monsoon clouds, a new threat now looms for these villagers. Since 2006, plans have progressed for a hydroelectric dam that will flood the upper valley a

走向世界: 中国海外水坝行业介绍

西方的金融机构不再像过去一样建那么多水坝,现在,世界上越来越多的水坝是由中国的机构在兴建。中国的海外水坝业正在参与200多个大型水坝的建设-例如在湄公河谷和喜马拉雅地区。这些项目往往造成巨大的环境和社会风险。在这个短片中,我们介绍了一些参与海外水坝建设的中国公司和金融机构,以及它们的项目. 我们解释了为什么对这些无处不在的水坝建设者来说,在它们的海外项目中采用国际标准是重要的。 要了解更多中国全球项目更

Sinohydro Response to Civil Society Letter

Sinohydro response to civil society letter
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
On April 29, 2009, Sinohydro responded to the international civil society letter of February 2009.


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