
Reviving the World's Rivers

Thursday, February 1, 2001
Dam Removal For those of us now being saddled with the costs of years of unquestioned dam–building, it would be unconscionable to remain silent. – Dan Beard, Commissioner of the US Bureau of Reclamation (1993 – 1995) Once revered as temples of engineering prowess, dams are now viewed more critically. Dams devastate river ecosystems and undermine the rights and livelihoods of affected communities. Increased international recognition of the high environmental and social costs of dams, along with numerous river restoration successes, are inspiring dam removal campaigns worldwide. Numerous d

In Whose Interest? Lom Pangar Dam & Energy Sector Development in Cameroon

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Download In Whose Interest? (PDF 1 MB)This joint report reveals how the aluminum industry in Cameroon is being prioritized over the energy needs of the country’s majority population, at great social and environmental risk, and without a participatory planning process for energy development.

The Amazon River´s Largest Tributary is under Threat

Monday, September 10, 2007
Publication by International Rivers, Friends of the Earth Amazonia, Friends of the Earth Brazil and others sounds an alert to the threat posed by dams planned for the Madeira River

Chixoy Dam Legacy Issues: Overview

Chixoy Dam–Affected Communities and the Rio Negro Massacres
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The Chixoy Dam and its Pueblo Viejo Hydroelectric facility, built by INDE (Instituto Nacional de Electrificación) with financing from the Inter–American Development Bank and the World Bank, is the major source of electrical power for the nation of Guatemala. Chixoy Dam–Affected Communities and the Rio Negro Massacres Designs for this facility were approved, the project financed, and construction begun in 1975 without notifying the local population. Construction began without conducting a comprehensive census of affected peoples, without legal acquisition of all the land supporting the


Thursday, March 7, 2002

A Critical Juncture for Peace, Democracy, and the Environment: Sudan and the Merowe/Hamadab Dam Project

Sunday, May 1, 2005
Report from a Visit to Sudan and a Fact-Finding Mission to the Merowe Dam Project, 22 February – March 2005. Published by Peter Bosshard (International Rivers) and Nicholas Hildyard (The Corner House) in May 2005 

Submission to WCD on Lesotho Dams

Friday, November 12, 1999
Presented at the Southern African Hearings for Communities Affected by Large Dams Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Anna Moepi. I come from Lesotho. I am a representative of the community from Matala, who initially came from Molikaliko. We thank you happily for inviting us here to get our side of the story and are hoping you will support us. Here is our position before the Lesotho Highlands Water project came. We were living in peace and harmony. Our life was a simple undisturbed life. Our mode of transport was ourselves – we were travelling on foot, also using donkeys and


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