Nu River

The Nu River: China’s Biodiversity Epicenter

The Nu River, October 2015
The Nu River, October 2015 Li Xiao Long What comes to mind when you think of the words “China” and “environment”?Most people will conjure images of cities obscured by smog, rivers choked by massive dams, and a denuded countryside. But tucked away in the country’s southwest corner is a magnificent, undammed river that’s a hotspot of biodiversity and a beacon of ecological hope in a country thirsty for it. It’s called the Nu River. Last month, we convened a research trip that brought scientists to survey a 618 km segment of the Nu River in Yunnan province. Scientists know they nee


Thursday, August 14, 2014
在自由奔流的怒江上兴建水电站的计划一直存在争议,但是这一计划近来却悄然得以推进。 在上周发布的一项在7月份做出的决定中,一家公司称一项在西藏怒江建水电站计划的预可行性研究报告通过了专家审查。这则还在《中国能源报》官方网站能源网上发布的公告称,水电水利规划设计总院、西藏自治区发改委和相关组织组成的专家组认为,报告基本满足本阶段勘测设计内容和工作深度的要求。 但环保主义者称,怒江是中国最大
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