Sound Planning Processes

Dam Standards: A Rights-Based Approach

Thursday, February 13, 2014
When large dams are built, increasingly, companies, banks, and governments commit to follow internationally-recognized standards for such projects. Some of these standards are voluntary, and sometimes the financing or support for a dam project is conditional upon complying with them. But what exactly are dam standards, who makes them, and how can civil society use them? "Dam Standards: A Rights-Based Approach" attempts to summarize the strongest social and environmental standards related to each stage of a dam's project cycle: from strategic planning, to project analysis, to implementation, op

An Introduction to Integrated Resources Planning

Monday, November 11, 2013
Integrated Resources Planning (IRP) is a public process in which planners work together with other interested parties to identify and prepare energy options that serve the highest possible public good. In the process, they establish scope, investigate options, prepare and evaluate integrated plans, select preferred plans, and establish mechanisms to monitor, evaluate, and iterate plans as conditions change. The IRP method was developed in the 1980s in response to repeated cases of power plants that were not needed and experienced serious cost and time overruns. In contrast to the limited cho


Thursday, July 1, 2010
实践中的世界水坝委员建议 资料手册 作为独立机构的世界水坝委员会(WCD)是在世界银行和国际自然保护联盟 (IUCN)的赞助下于1998年5月正式成立的。其使命包括评价水坝开发的效用,以及为未 来的项目制定发展标准和指导纲领。该委员会由来自政府、工业、学术界和公民社会的12 名代表组成。委员会主席由南非水资源部部长卡德尔␣阿斯马(Kader Asmal)担任。 关于这本手册 这本手册聚焦于世界水坝委员会建议的几个主要方面:1)证明获得公众的赞同,以及

The World Commission on Dams

Nelson Mandela and Prof. Kader Asmal launch the World Commission on Dams final report in 2000.
The World Commission on Dams (WCD) established the most comprehensive guidelines for dam building. The WCD's final report describes an innovative framework for planning water and energy projects that is intended to protect dam-affected people and the environment, and ensure that the benefits from dams are more equitably distributed. The WCD recommendations form the basis for many decision-making processes for dams around the world and constitute international soft law.
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