Zipingpu Dam

Dam the Consequences

Thursday, July 11, 2002
Building yet another dam could threaten an ages-old engineering marvel in Sichuan and a key part of China's heritage. But the project is going ahead as authorities smother public debate on its impact. By David Murphy/DUJIANGYAN, SICHUAN PROVINCE Far Eastern Economic Review ON A SPRING AFTERNOON in western China's Sichuan province, explosions echo across a steep-sided valley, dust plumes rise and trucks loaded with earth ply one side of the valley floor. All this is part of what is becoming the most controversial power project in China since the massive Three Gorges dam b

Report on Resettlement at Zipingpu Dam

Sunday, May 1, 2005
Chinese researcher Fan Xiao visited the communities resettled by Zipingpu Dam and found evidence of graft and corruption, violation of rights, and dissatisfaction with the amount of compensation given.

Major Yangtze Tributary Drying Up

Saturday, April 23, 2005 Beijing - A series of dams and hydro projects in southwestern China's Sichuan province have caused one of the upper Yangtze River's largest tributaries to run dry in places, a Canadian-based environmental watchdog said Saturday. Local residents and water experts are concerned that the 735-kilometre Min River could become permanently altered by dams built on its upper reaches which also threaten one of the world's oldest irrigation systems downstream, Probe International said.

Development Disasters: Japanese-Funded Dam Projects in Asia

Saturday, March 1, 2003
Published by International Rivers, Rivers Watch East and Southeast Asia and Friends of the Earth Japan. Features case studies of six Japanese-funded dam projects at various stages of implementation. 


紫坪铺大坝 在 岷江(长江在四川境内的支流)上游, 一个关键性的古老灌溉系统——著名的都江堰——及其周边地区将受到紫坪铺水坝项目的不利影响。2200多年以来,江 水从都江堰流过,滋养着河岸上的居民,并且保护他们免受洪水和干旱的侵袭。但是由于上游紫坪埔水库大坝的兴建,流过都江堰的水量将变得有限和稀少。预期这 对下游的影响将是十分巨大的。此外,将有4万人因这个项目移民。项目得到日本国际协力银行(JBIC)的财政支持,并且


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