Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Trading in Fake Carbon Credits: Problems with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Written by Barbara Haya (International Rivers) and Karen Orenstein (Friends of the Earth) What is the CDM? The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the world's biggest carbon offsets market. In theory, the CDM allows industrialized countries to support projects that decrease emissions in developing countries and then use the resulting emissions reduction credits towards their own reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol. Industrialized countries supported the establishment of the CDM because it would provide them with flexibility in how they can meet their Kyoto targets, particularly if dome

AIDA et al. Comments to TÜV SÜD Re CDM Validation of Baba Hydroelectric Project (Ecuador)

Friday, September 5, 2008
Comments to TÜV SÜD Re CDM Validation of Multipurpose Baba Hydroelectric Project (MBHP) in EcuadorTO: TUV SUD Industrie Service GmbH RE: CDM Validation of Multipurpose Baba Hydroelectric Project FROM: Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA)Earthjustice International ProgramOrganization for Environmental Law & Management (ECOLEX) DATE: September 5, 2008 AIDA, Earthjustice and ECOLEX submit these comments on the Multipurpose Baba Hydroelectric Project in Ecuador (the "MBHP" or the "Project") pursuant to paragraph 40(c) of the modalities and procedures for the clean devel

The Great Carbon Offset Swindle: International Rivers Report Deconstructs the Scam

Monday, June 23, 2008
The Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism, the world's biggest carbon-offset program, is utterly failing to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. The program’s failure is detailed in the International Rivers' report, "Bad Deal for the Planet: Why Carbon Offsets Aren't Working." The CDM is supposed to be a way for the industrialized nations to stabilize and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by funding emission-reduction programs and projects in the developing world. But the CDM is actually increasing such emissions in the guise of promoting sustainable development.The Clean Deve

International Rivers' Comments on Draft EU Rules for Assessing WCD Compliance

Large hydro projects (>20 MW) that generate Clean Development Mechanism credits that are used in the European Emissions Trading System (ETS), need to comply with the World Commission on Dams' recommendations, according to the EU's Linking Directive. The European Commission is currently drafting guidelines for EU member states on how to assess WCD compliance. In May 2008, the European Commission shared a draft paper and WCD compliance report with some stakeholders, including International Rivers, and requested comments. Please find below a link to International Rivers' comments on the draft

Critique of the WCD Compliance Report for Xiaoxi Large Hydro Dam, China

Sunday, June 1, 2008
The following assessment by International Rivers compares the compliance report for the 135 MW Xiaoxi Dam to the Strategic Priorities of the World Commission on Dams, and the requirements of the German Emissions Trading Authority. The report is of very low quality and does not provide a basis for the German government to accept the project as WCD compatible. Background: German-based power utility RWE is one of the biggest CO2 emitters in Europe, with emissions of more than 120 million tonnes of CO2 per year, mainly from coal plants. In place of reducing its emissions, RWE intends to buy CDM

Christian Science Monitor: The Big Chill on Carbon Offsets

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Up to two-thirds of the UN-approved projects do nothing to reduce carbon.Editorial published in the Christian Science Monitor, 29 May 2008Before Congress attacks global warming with a cap on greenhouse gases – and then allows firms to pollute if they buy "carbon offsets" elsewhere – lawmakers should consult the UN's abysmal record in this slippery type of trading.The UN set up its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to help companies in industrialized countries invest in projects in poorer nations that cut greenhouse-gas emissions as part of their countries' commitment under the Kyoto Protoc

碳补偿贸易的世纪骗局: 碳信用额度对京都议定书的破坏及将之废除的理由

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
“清洁发展机制”是全球最大的碳补偿贸易市场,也是一个世界性的骗局。它披着 推广可持续发展的外衣,实际上却使温室气体排放不断增加。它向化工企业和大坝开发 商提供几十亿元计的资金,而急速发展的碳经纪行业和顾问正不断进行游说,要求扩充 清洁发展机制,并进一步削弱它的规范。如果大家希望有效应付气候变化,我们就不能 够让一个有缺陷的系统成为解决气候问题的基础。短期内,清洁发展机制必须彻底改革; 长远而言势必要被完全取代。 碳

Guardian: Kyoto Carbon Trading Strategy Discredited

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Increasing allegations of corruption and profiteering are raising serious questions about the UN-run carbon trading mechanism aimed at cutting pollution and rewarding clean technologies Originally published in the UK Guardian The world's biggest carbon offset market, the Kyoto Protocol's clean development mechanism (CDM), is run by the UN, and is intended to reduce emissions by rewarding developing countries that invest in clean technologies. In fact, evidence is accumulating that it is increasing greenhouse gas emissions behind the guise of promoting sustainable development. The misguided mec

The Great Carbon Offset Swindle - Videos

Videos from "The Great Carbon Offset Swindle" luncheon on May 8, 2008 at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. Temblor Throws Shadow on Big Dam Ambitions Nam Theun 2 Dam: Rising Water, Falling Expectations China Considers Earthquake Danger of Dams Engineers Face Testing Times as Thousands Flee Dam Threat

Letter to Buyers of CDM Credits from Chinese Hydros

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
(A similar letter has been sent to the following buyers of carbon credits from Chinese hydros: ENEL, EDF Trading Limited, ICECAP, CAMS AB Sweden, RWE Power AG, MGM Carbon Portfolio, Kommunalkredit, EcoSecurities, Energy Systems International, Eco Energia, Endesa Generacion SA, CDCF, Factor Consulting, IXIS, Int System Energy Corporation, Arreon Carbon, Sindicatum Carbon Capital International, KfW, Ecoinvest, ICF, ESI BV, WBCF, CCAN) Berkeley/BerlinMarco MonroyPresident & CEOMGM Carbon PortfolioLuxembourgVia e-mail: marcogmonroy@mgminter.comDear Marco Monroy:We note that you intend to obta


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