Business for Rivers

The circle of life depends on all of us. International Rivers invites you to make a difference in the future of our planet.

Momentum for corporate social responsibility has never been greater. One in three customers say that a company's giving record is a factor in their purchasing decisions.1 And one out of every four shareholders say that corporate generosity affects where they invest.2

Join the Business for Rivers Circle and align your company with one of the most important environmental and social justice causes of the century.

Member benefits include:

    • Greater brand exposure among growing numbers of environmentally savvy customers and shareholders
    • Logo placement on our website
    • Listing in our broadly distributed Annual Report
    • Opportunity to sponsor special events, including panel discussions, networking lunches and receptions

Contact Margaret Zhou to discuss a tailored business membership that fits your company or team at:

International Rivers
1330 Broadway, 3rd Floor
Oakland, CA, 94612, USA
Tel. +1 (510) 848-1155 ext. 301

The staff and board of International Rivers thank our current Business for Rivers members:


1, 2 Walker Information (2002). National Benchmark Study Measuring the Business Value of Corporate Philanthropy.

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