
Southeast Asia Partner Organizations

International Day of Action against dams on the Salween River, March 2006
In the Mekong region, civil society organizations, academics, and community movements from Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam have built determined national coalitions committed to defending the region's rivers. As widespread dam development threatens many rivers shared between countries, these groups have worked together in regional coalitions, joined by a network of supporters worldwide. International Rivers works with groups throughout the Mekong region, supporting their efforts to protect the region's rivers. International Day of Action against dams on the Salween River, March 2006

The Kosi Disaster: Millions Flooded Out

Photo: Chandan,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Photo: Chandan, Just as Hurricane Katrina caused levees in the Mississippi Delta to breach in August 2005, flooding large parts of New Orleans, this year's monsoon has breached embankments on the powerful Kosi River, flooding out three million people and killing at least 2,000 in Bihar, India and in eastern Nepal. After breaching its embankments on August 18, the Kosi took a path it had abandoned 200 years ago, 100 km from its channeled course, drowning hundreds of villages and fields in its way. Experts note that this year's monsoon was not especially power


在莱索托,当玛丽萨美罗第一次听说要在她居住的土地上修建一座大坝时,她并不赞成。但是,大坝的建设者让她相信,他们这一小部分人的迁移,是为了保全大多数人的生活。他们承诺要给玛丽萨美罗和她的村落提供补助、自来水、学校和新房子。但是他们的承诺并没有完全兑现。 玛丽萨美罗说,“当我们不能得到足够的土地补偿,我们的子孙只有死路一条。因为将来他们无以为生。” 这个故事如果只是发生在玛丽撒美罗自己身上,也许会不


问:为什么对大坝有这么多的反对意见? 大坝由于社会、环境和经济的原因激起众怒。最主要的反对理由是,数量庞大的民众为了给修水库让路而被赶出家园。 世界上还有数百万民众由于居住在水坝下游而深受其害,渔业凋敝,水质下降,由于天然肥料缺失和季节性洪水不复存在,肥沃的耕地和茂密森林都大大减少,没建坝前,这些都可以由河流提供。大坝也会使水生传染病泛滥,如疟疾和血吸虫病。 水坝的好处常常被夸大,而成本常常被鼓


长江 我们的使命:保护河流并捍卫依赖河流生存的社区的权利。我们反对破坏性的水坝以及它所倡导的发展模式,促进更好的解决方案以满足人民对水、能源和防止洪水灾害的需要。 我们在寻求一个这样的世界,河流和依赖它们的生命受到尊重,人民能在生活和生计受到影响的决策中发出自己的声音。我们朝着一个这样的目标努力,每个人都有清洁的河流和能源,发展项目既不破坏自然也不损害社区。在五大洲内,我们的职员在水坝、能源、水

Jinsha River Dams

Baoshan Village, Jinsha (upper Yangtze) River, China
Jinsha River (Upper Yangtze River) Hydropower Projects List Location: Southwest China (Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces) Last update: 15 November 2012 dams/proposed dams listed from downstream to upstream Baoshan Village, Jinsha (upper Yangtze) River, China Li Hong 1. Xiangjiaba Dam Location: Sichuan/Yunnan (elevation 380 meters)Size: 6.4 GW; dam height 161 metersStatus: CompletedFinanciers: Yangtze Power, China Development Bank (CDB), China Construction BankBuilder: Three Gorges Project Corporation (CTGPC)Environmental Impact: Downstream, the combination of dams, pollution, overfishing and rive

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Help Us Keep Patagonia Beautiful

Patagonia Sin Represas: Patagonia Without Dams
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Patagonia Sin Represas: Patagonia Without Dams To keep Patagonia beautiful, it will take more than picking up litter. This pristine wilderness is threatened by a 5 dam proposal called HidroAysén that has tentacles all over the world--including huge US companies like Home Depot. This powerful company buys wood products from two Chilean companies that are deeply involved in plans for dams and transmission lines that would destroy Patagonian rivers, forests and communities. Help us keep Patagonia beautiful by sending letters to the head of The Home Depot, and help us get hundreds of thousands

Tekeze Dam, Ethiopia

Blue Nile Falls, Ethiopia
"Tekeze Dam is for Ethiopia what Three Gorges is for China." So spoke Sun Yue, Director of the international department of the state-owned China Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Corporation (Sinohydro). And at 185 meters (ten meters higher than the Three Gorges Dam), the Tekeze Dam, built on a tributary of the Nile, promises to bring the kinds of serious environmental and social problems that Three Gorges planners are only now beginning to recognize. In addition to the familiar environmental problems associated with large dams, such as altered hydrology and threatened fisheries , Tek

Bui Dam, Ghana

Cashew farmers, Bui Dam area
Ghana has for decades had a very erratic electricity supply due to its over-reliance on hydropower from large dams, but it recently completed yet another large dam, and one that submerged a good portion of a national park. China's low-interest loans for Bui Dam got the project off the ground despite earlier vows by the energy ministry in Ghana to move away from hydro and diversify energy supply. Situated on the Black Volta River, the dam has been criticized by wildlife biologists, who say that Ghana's rare black hippopotamus populations are threatened by the dam project. Project construction


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