
Application Submitted!

Thank you for your interest in attending Rivers for Life 3: the Third International Meeting of Dam-Affected People and Their Allies in Temacapulín, Mexico. Space is limited to roughly 300 international and Mexican participants. We will get back to you shortly regarding the status of your registration.

Invitation to Rivers for Life 3

Join the Third International Meeting of Dam-Affected People and Their Allies Temacapulin, Mexico October 1-7, 2010 Please read through this invitation and apply below.  If you cannot access the online registration, please download this registration form and email it to  If you do not have financial support to travel to Mexico and would like to attend, please write directly to We invite you to join us from October 1-7, 2010 in Temacapulín, Mexico for Rivers for Life 3: the Third International Meeting of Dam

Chixoy Reparations Agreement Signed! Justice for Chixoy Dam-Affected Communities

When a wave of newcomers came to Maya-Achi lands in the 1970s with the idea of building the Chixoy Dam, no one knew that the lives of these indigenous peoples were going to be utterly transformed. Displaced, impoverished and disrespected, these communities endured unthinkable hardships in the middle of a war civil war. More than 400 of their women and children were massacred because of their opposition to the dam, and the project left them landless and without income or livelihood. Despite the circumstances, the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank financed the project to the tune of

Belo Monte: The Pressure Is On

Indigenous people are opposed to the Belo Monte Dam
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Indigenous people are opposed to the Belo Monte Dam Marcelo Salazar, ISA The pressure is mounting against the controversial Belo Monte Dam on the Amazon's Xingu River. The past few weeks have been marked by massive protests, the entry of James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver into the campaign, legal battles and a worldwide media blitz. After three injunctions by a Federal Court judge to suspend the project's development were overturned by a politically-motivated superior court judge, the project was auctioned off to private investors on April 20. The winning consortium of nine Brazi

Dam Burst Feared After Qinghai Earthquake, China

On April 14, 2010, an earthquake measuring at 7.1 (6.9 according to the US Geological Survey) struck Yushu County in the largely Tibetan area of Qinhai Province. The tremor, whose epicenter lies near the high mountain town of Jiegu in Yushu County on the Qinghai Plateau, killed 1,700 people and seriously injured 11,000. The earthquake has highlighted civil society's concerns regarding dam safety and earthquake-related dam bursts. According to Chinese news reports, the Changu (or Thrangu in Tibetan) hydropower dam was damaged by the earthquake, and is "at the risk of collapse a

Laos' Nam Theun 2 Dam Starts Operation

Risky Business tells the story of Nam Theun 2's impacts on affected communities. More than 6,200 people were displaced to make way for the dam and up to 120,000 people downstream will be affected by dam operations. For over a decade, International Rivers and our partners opposed World Bank support for the massive Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project in Central Laos, due to concerns about the project's impacts on more than 130,000 Laotians. Yet in 2005, the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other financial institutions approved the project, ignoring many of our concerns. In March 2010, Nam The

Pronunciamiento de organizaciones peruanas ante el Presidente de la Republica

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Organizaciones peruana se pronuncian ante el Presidente de la Republica con respecto al Acuerdo sobre el Suministro de Electricidad al Peru y Exportacion de Excedentes al Brasil. Bajar documento

Represa Inamabari: Importancia e Impactos Ambientales

Friday, January 1, 2010
La represa sobre el río Inambari, ubicado en la confluencia de las regiones de Madre de Dios, Cusco y Puno, costaría 4 mil millones de dólares. Inambari sería, en términos de generación de energía, la mayor represa del Perú y la quinta mayor de América Latina, con un área de inundación de más de 46,000 hectáreas. Bajar documento

Amazonía Peruana en 2021 -Explotación de recursos naturales

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Amazonia Peruana por Marc Dourojeanni, Alberto Barandiarán y Diego Dourojeanni y publicada por ProNaturaleza, DAR, SPDA e ICAA. Amazonia Peruana contiene la información mas actualizada sobre proyectos de infraestructura en el Amazonia peruana. De especial interes son las informaciones sobre el tratado de integración tratado de integración eléctrica entre Perú y Brasil, que promovería la construcción de centrales hidroeléctricas en territorio peruano capaces de producir no menos de 6,000 MW, cuyo mercado principal será el brasileño. Ello de hecho ocasionará en los próximos años s

Brasileña OAS proyecta invertir US$100 millones este año en el Perú

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Brasileña OAS proyecta invertir US$100 millones este año en el Perú El Comercio - Febrero 3, 2010 Obras de Inambari se iniciarían en diciembre Si es que se consiguen todas las autorizaciones por parte de las autoridades peruanas para las obras de la central hidroeléctrica de Inambari (ubicada entre Madre de Dios, Puno y Cusco), la constructora brasileña OAS debe iniciar su construcción a finales de este año, aseguró su gerente general en el país, Valfredo Ribeiro. El proyecto está en etapa de concesión temporal y ya se han avanzado los estudios para solicitar al Minis


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