Affected People

Projeto de Belo Monte Prevê Reassentamento de 19 Mil Pessoas

Friday, May 29, 2009
Usina enfrenta resistência dos índios e pode reduzir muito a vazão do rio em época de seca O projeto da usina hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, no Pará, ficou conhecido pelo impasse entre produzir energia em um rio sem barragens e a resistência dos povos indígenas que vivem ali e enxergam o Xingu como sagrado. Esta semana, quando o Ibama tornou públicos o Estudo de Impacto Ambiental e seu relatório, o EIA-Rima, começou a discussão em torno dos efeitos socioambientais do empreendimento que pode resultar na segunda maior hidrelétrica do país, atrás apenas de Itaipu. O choque vai além d

Documento do II Seminário Sobre as Hidrelétricas na Bacia do Rio Tapajós

Communities Meet in Itaituba to Discuss Planned Tapajós River Dams
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Communities Meet in Itaituba to Discuss Planned Tapajós River Dams Glenn Switkes, International Rivers Documento do II Seminário de Debates Sobre o Projeto Governamental das Hidrelétricas na Bacia do Tapajós CARTA ABERTA ÀS AUTORIDADES E À POPULAÇÃO BRASILEIRA Frente aos planos governamentais, nacionais e internacionais, de destruição dos povos, meio ambiente e do próprio Rio Tapajós, não vamos continuar passivos. O governo brasileiro NÃO TEM O DIREITO de violentar nossa dignidade, criando hidrelétricas sem dialogar com as populações que sofrerão os impactos negativos

Fear and Loathing at Tucuruí

The brutal murder of a union leader who fought on behalf of those whose lives were ruined by Tucuruí Dam in the Brazilian Amazon has re-connected the issues of violence and disregard for the rights of dam-affected populations. Raimundo Nonato do Carmo, 53, "Raimundinho" was shot seven times on April 16 by two men on a motorcycle as he walked out of a supermarket on the street in which he lived in the town of Tucuruí. Sonia Magalhães, a researcher at the Federal University of Pará State, who for over 25 years has followed the battle of those displaced by the dam which beg

Will Dams on Amazon Tributary Wreak Global Havoc?

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Originally published with video in the McClatchy Newspaper. VOLTA GRANDE, Brazil — The Xingu River, the largest tributary of the Amazon, runs wide and swift this time of year. Its turquoise waters are home to some 600 species of fish, including several not found anywhere else on the planet. A thick emerald canopy of trees hugs its banks, except in places where man has carved out pastures for cattle.Now man, in the form of the Brazilian state power company, wants to harness a section of the Xingu by building the world's third-biggest dam.Called the Belo Monte, the dam would drown 200 square m

Carta das Comunidades e Entidades Sociais e Religiosas da Foz do Rio Xingu, Porto de Moz

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Nós moradores e entidades Sociais de Porto de Moz, da Foz do Rio Xingu, aqui representados pelas comunidades: Seguidores de Cristo, Santa Luzia, Espírito Santo e São João do Rio Majari, Vilarinho do Monte, Vila Nazaré, Vila Tapará, Vila São Tomé do Maripi, Tauerá, Buiuçu, São Raimundo do Taperu, Espírito Santo e Nossa Senhora Aparecida do Rio Açaí, comunidades do Gloria, São Domingo e Teruçu margem esquerda do Rio Xingu, comunidades Sagrado Coração de Jesus do Rio Turu, Santa Ana do Mutuncaia, São João Batista e Sagrado Coração de Jesus do Rio Maruá, comunidade São Raim

Tensions Rise Over Licensing of Dams

Friday, February 27, 2009
Read the article from Recharge Magazine on the Madeira River dams.

Produzir Energia e Destruir a Vida

Thursday, June 1, 2006
Artigo sobre as implicações para direitos humanos dos planos para hidrelétricas nos rios Araguaia e Tocantins, do coordenador regional do Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens, originalmente publicado na Observatório de Cidadania do Fórum da Amazônia Oriental (FAOR)

Bolivian Activists Arrested, Threatened with Deportation for Protesting Madeira Dams

Four Bolivian activists, representatives of farmers and womens' organizations in the Pando border region, were arrested today by Federal Police at a noontime demonstraton in Porto Velho, Rondônia against the Madeira River dams. They are being threatened with deportation. The four represent the Pando Campesinos Federation and the Bartolina Sisa Campesinas Womens' Federation. Among those arrested is Manuel Lins, who signed the Interamerican Human Rights Commission complaint against the Brazilian government on behalf of the Pando group. Doris Dominguez, Isaias Ferreira and Jean Domin

Letter by Riverbank Dwellers to President Lula

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Porto Velho, Rondônia state THE RIVER BANK DWELLERS OF THE MADEIRA RIVER CALL FOR HELP! DEAR PRESIDENT LUIZ INÁCIO LULA DA SILVA, We, the river bank dwellers of the Madeira River, descendents of migrants from the Northeast of Brazil who came here at the beginning of the 20th century seeking a better life in the Amazon rainforest, far from the drought and hunger that killed many of our relatives are once again facing, Mr. President, the violation of our fundamental human rights. Throughout decades, our ancestors fought against all kinds of diseases, and against isolation and the total absence


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