Affected People

Public Hearings on Belo Monte Dam - Democracy or Hypocrisy?

Federal Police Surround Dam Opponents, Belo Monte Public Hearings
Federal Police Surround Dam Opponents, Belo Monte Public Hearings Marcelo Salazar, ISA Reports are coming in from journalists, activists, and public attorneys who participated in the public hearings on Belo Monte, organized by the Brazilian environmental authority Ibama during the past week. The hearings, held in Altamira and two other towns in the epicenter of the Belo Monte juggernaut, and in the state capital Belém were marked by strong protests by social movements, by legal objections by Federal Attorneys, and by a massive military and police presence. The initial hearing took place

Audiência Pública Belo Monte em Altamira Marcada por Protestos

Monday, September 14, 2009
O procurador da República e o promotor de Justiça anunciaram que vão solicitar anulidade das atuais audiências, porque a prerrogativa de presença do MinistérioPúblico na mesa diretora, prevista em lei, não foi respeitadaO Ministério Público Federal participou de mais um dia de audiências públicassobre os impactos socioambientais da hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, dessa vez nacidade de Altamira, que terá parte de seus bairros alagados pelo reservatório dahidrelétrica.O procurador da República Rodrigo Timóteo Costa e Silva e o promotor de JustiçaEmério Mendes apresentaram protest

Belo Monte e o Circo no Xingu

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Belo Monte e o Circo no XinguFoi realizada ontem, na cidade de Brasil Novo, a primeira audiência pública da maior obra do PAC, o Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico de Belo Monte. Com início as 13h30 e término as 19h00 foram realizadas apresentações bonitas, porém superficiais e assim foram também as respostas dadas nas seções de perguntas que não atenderam os anseios das populações. Será que pensam que somos palhaços em um grande circo Amazônico?A pequena Brasil Novo, 40 quilômetros distante de Altamira, na região da Transamazônica, foi sede da primeira audiência pública para di

Audiência Pública de Belo Monte em Vitória do Xingu

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Audiência Pública de Belo Monte em Vitória do Xingu: muitos questionamentos e poucos esclarecimentos Mais de 1.500 pessoas compareceram ontem no Ginásio Poliesportivo em Vitória do Xingu na segunda audiência pública referente ao AHE Belo Monte. Foram quase dez horas de debate sob forte policiamento: cerca de 300 policiais garantiam a "segurança" no recinto. A audiência foi marcada por questionamentos, preocupações e reclamações sobre a metodologia da audiência mas sobretudo pela falta de respostas esclarecedoras por parte da mesa diretora, composta por Paulo Diniz, do IBAMA, Valt

Bispos da Amazônia criticam projetos de barragens (MAB)

Monday, August 31, 2009
De 26 a 28 de agosto os bispos, coordenadores de pastoral e representantes dos organismos e pastorais do Pará e do Amapá estiveram reunidos em Belém para uma assembléia que discutiu o desafio da atividade pastoral na Amazônia e a vida dos povos daquela região. No documento final, eles denunciaram o desrespeito à natureza e afirmaram que a destruição em curso ameaça a sobrevivência humana, sobreposta pelo modelo de desenvolvimento adotado que privilegia os que detêm o poder político e econômico. "Todas essas mazelas vem junto com uma transformação imposta à nossa sociedade em

Lula Promises not to Shove Belo Monte Down Our Throats

President Lula Meets with Social Movements to Discuss Belo Monte Dam
President Lula Meets with Social Movements to Discuss Belo Monte Dam Ricardo Stuckert, Presidência da República In a potentially historic meeting, social movements and indigenous people fighting Belo Monte Dam met with President Lula last week. Those present reported that Lula promised to initiate a dialogue on the proposed project, and that the president guaranteed in his own inimitable way that that "Belo Monte will not be shoved down anyone's throat." But, how likely is Lula to slow down or halt the electric sector's juggernaut that is primed to push the projec

Chilean Hip Hop Group for a Patagonia Sin Represas

Our partners at Ecosistemas are getting close to launching the Patagonia Sin Represas music album, with songs written and created by Chilean and international artists specifically for the campaign to protect Patagonia from massive hydroelectric development.  The following video features the Chilean hip hop act Legua York, with their song El Agua Cortá. Turn up the volume and enjoy!  Legua York on Myspace UPDATE! Download the Voces X Patagonia album at the website, it is free and downloadable on the web!

Interview: Victory Over Mexico's La Parota Dam

Rodolfo Chavez Galindo (right) and Felipe Flores have been at the forefront of the fight to stop La Parota Dam.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
From June 2009 World Rivers Review Since 2004, thousands of Mexican farmers have been fighting the construction of La Parota Dam in the state of Guerrero. They have staged blockades, protests and legal actions and have faced violent police repression in return. In May, the Mexican press reported that the government would postpone La Parota Dam until after 2018. World Rivers Review interviewed Rodolfo Chavez Galindo, a leader of the vibrant movement to stop the dams, about the battle over La Parota. Rodolfo Chavez Galindo (right) and Felipe Flores have been at the forefront of the fight

One Person, One Vote

Community members, young and old, recorded their votes on whether Guatemala’s Xalala Dam should proceed.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Voice of Communities in Development Decisions From June 2009 World Rivers Review  In defense of their lands and lives, throughout Latin America communities affected by dams and mines are banding together to organize their own local referenda to record their voices on critical development decisions. After the Guatemalan government began promoting the Xalala Dam as a national priority, community members began organizing meetings to learn about the project, talk about its impacts and ultimately record their vote on whether they approved or disapproved of the project. Women and me

MAB Leaders in Pará are Freed

Police Threaten MAB Protesters at Tucuruí Dam
Police Threaten MAB Protesters at Tucuruí Dam MAB Four leaders of the Dam-Affected Peoples' Movement will be freed this week from a high-security prison in Belém where they have been held for 45 days, following a judge's decision yesterday. 18 MAB members were arrested on April 26 at Tucuruí Dam, following a peaceful demonstration at the dam site protesting the government's failure to follow through on its commitments to mitigation projects that had been negotiated with the movement. Tucuruí has been in operation for 25 years, during which time various initiatives to


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