
China’s River Chiefs - An “Ingenious” Approach to Water Governance in China?

China’s River Chiefs - An “Ingenious” Approach to Water Governance in China? China has long struggled to develop an effective system of governance for its increasingly stretched water resources. In the past, it was said that “nine dragons rule the waters” (九龙治水), a reference to the tangle of diffuse and unclear responsibilities for managing different aspects of China’s environment and policies. Now, a series of reforms are taking effect, with the intent to simplify and improve the way environmental protection is carried out in China. In July, China’s Ministry of Wa

Working Transboundary: Building Resilience and Democratizing Governance in the Brahmaputra Basin

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
The Brahmaputra River has repeatedly been the centre ground of diplomatic hostility between China, India and Bangladesh. With no transboundary treaty or common understanding between the countries sharing the river, downstream countries have repeatedly raised concerns that China, the upstream riparian country, would dam and divert the glacial meltwaters that are crucial not only for towns, cities and industry, but for the millions of farmers in the plains of India and Bangladesh downstream. Others have expressed concern about the cumulative impacts of long-standing plans to build more than 100
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