Report on West Seti Hydroelectric Project and ADB Policy Violations

Report on the West Seti Hydroelectrict Project and ADB Policy Violations

Meeting to discuss the potential impacts of the planned West Seti Hydropower Project in Nepal.
Meeting to discuss the potential impacts of the planned West Seti Hydropower Project in Nepal.
Yuki Tanabe
Yuki Tanabe from Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society in August 2007 went to western Nepal to visit the area to be affected by the planned 750MW West Seti project. The project, with an estimated cost of USD 1.2, is planned by the Australian Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation and expected to receive loans and political guarantees from the Asian Development Bank, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, Export/Import Bank of China and other Chinese banks. The report concludes that the affected people are very concerned about the project and that it already now, in its planning stages, violates key ADB safeguard policies, including policies on information disclosure and consultation.