New Look: The Song Remains the Same

Friday, November 9, 2007

Watch our (former) Executive Director's first (and hopefully last) attempt to break into music video stardom.

Our extreme makeover

If you were familiar with the International Rivers Network website you’ll have noticed a radical overhaul — and we think a dramatic improvement. We hope that you’ll find our new site a lot more engaging, easier to search and navigate, and clearer on what we do where, and why we do it. We’ll soon be adding blogs from our campaigners around the world and posting more videos.

When we set out to rebuild our website we realized we wanted an updated look. When reviewing our logo we realized it was time to tackle something we’d long avoided; that although originally established to be a network, IRN grew into an individual organization and has never actually been a “network.” So we took a deep breath, dropped the “network,” agreed that we also liked being a name and not an acronym, and adopted the new name International Rivers (and a new tagline expressing the essence of our work — people • water • life).

While we may look a little prettier and have a shorter name, our vision and mission and our commitment to promoting ways to meet our needs for water and energy without destroying our rivers remains the same.

We hope you like our new look, and we hope to be able to count on your support as we continue building the global movement for healthy rivers and human rights.

The Staff of International Rivers