

Hundreds of large dams are being planned, with very little transparency, threatening to destroy the rivers of Central America and Mexico, along with the economies of communities that rely on these rivers for their livelihood. The dams would impact fish stocks and coastal ecosystems, wetlands and mangroves that contain many plant and animal species, some still undiscovered.

Background on Epupa Falls

Monday, September 1, 1997
Updated 2005 Download this fact sheet (PDF, 190 KB)Namibia's Kunene River valley is the ancestral home of 12,000 Himba people, a semi-nomadic people who have lived there for more than 500 years, tending their flocks and making their sacred fires (okuruwo). After surviving drought, war, genocide and other disasters, the most serious threat to their existence is the proposed Epupa Dam. The dam would flood their remote oasis; bring roads, construction camps and development into their midst; introduce diseases common to the still waters of reservoirs, and potentially end the Himba way of life fo

Rio Xingu, Brasil

O rio Xingu, de 1.979 km (1.230 milhas) de extensão,corre do cerrado, ou savana tropical da região central do estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil, rumo ao norte na Amazônia. A sua bacia cobre uma área de 531.000 km². 25.000 índios, de 18 grupos étnicos distintos, vivem ao longo do Xingu. Em 1989, uma mobilização internacional, liderada pelos índios Kayapó, paralisou os planos da companhia estatal de eletricidade, Eletronorte, de construir um complexo de seis barragens no Xingu e o seu tributário, o Iriri. Agora, a Eletronorte está propondo a construção de uma primeira grande barra


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