
Dams and Migratory Fish

(An excerpt from Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Politics of Large Dams, by Patrick McCully) "You fish people are very skilful in getting these fish into cans. Cannot you be just as skilful in getting these fish to be raised up over a dam?" - Comment at public hearing on a proposal for the first dam on the mainstream of the Colombia River, 1924 The annual run of adult salmon and steelhead trout in the huge Columbia River basin — which covers an area larger than France — is estimated to have averaged between 10 and 16 million fish before non-native settlers first arrived

Can We Save Earth's Rivers?

A desert river
An excerpt from the book Rivers for Life: Managing Water for People and Nature, which explores the unhealthy state of the world’s rivers following decades of industrial damming, diversions and other insults, and describes the tools and techniques that could be used to restore them back to health. The following excerpt, from the book’s last chapter, asks the tough questions: What will it take to change our destructive ways before it is too late? No generation before ours would have asked the question posed in this title. It has an ominous ring: how can it possibly be up to us to save

Environmental Impacts of Dams

Low flows below dams killed thousands of salmon on the Klamath in 2002
Low flows below dams killed thousands of salmon on the Klamath in 2002 The environmental consequences of large dams are numerous and varied, and includes direct impacts to the biological, chemical and physical properties of rivers and riparian (or "stream-side") environments. The dam wall itself blocks fish migrations, which in some cases and with some species completely separate spawning habitats from rearing habitats. The dam also traps sediments, which are critical for maintaining physical processes and habitats downstream of the dam (include the maintenance of productive deltas, barrier

Independent Experts Find Fatal Flaws in Amazon Dam Studies

Monday, November 13, 2006
A group of independent experts -- including internationally-renowned authorities on the Amazon -- have found serious errors and omissions in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for Brazil’s massive Madeira River hydroelectric project. The experts found the EIA to be inadequate, and recommend that additional studies be undertaken to evaluate the project’s impacts. The independent studies were commissioned by the Rondônia Public Attorney’s office, and financed by the consortium seeking to build the dams. Brazil’s environmental protection agency, IBAMA, is currently holding public

Rio Madeira

Madeira River vista
A Amazônia está sob ameaça. O governo brasileiro está construindo duas imponentes represas no principal tributário do rio Amazonas, o rio Madeira. As barragens ameaçam a biodiversidade única do rio, e afetam as terras e o sustento de milhares de moradores das margens dos rios, além das comunidades indígenas. A bacia do Madeira cobre cerca de um quarto da Amazônia brasileira. O rio é rico em sedimentos que traz dos Andes. A região também é um verdadeiro tesouro de biodiversidade, mantendo a vida de cerca de 750 espécies de peixe, 800 tipos de pássaros e outros animais selva


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