Re-Assessing Greater Mekong Subregion Energy Investments

Tanya Lee
Thursday, November 12, 2015

This briefing on the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) energy investments is jointly published by Mekong Watch and International Rivers. It provides analysis and case studies for advocates in the region to hold the Asian Development Bank and World Bank accountable for conducting due diligence when considering financing for hydropower projects and transmission line investments as part of the GMS portfolio, and in particular to commit to financing other options for energy supply that would be genuinely renewable, sustainable and respect the rights of communities. The briefing recommends that the World Bank and ADB put a hold on all planned and future GMS energy sector projects until there are verifications that:

  • National as well as regional energy forecasts are duly examined to ensure the need for proposed projects;
    All options to meet projected energy demands are prioritized and given full consideration;
  • Comprehensive options assessment for proposed projects are evaluated in a transparent manner and made publicly accessible;
  • Thorough cumulative and transboundary impact assessments are undertaken, made publicly accessible, and shared with affected populations;
  • Full social and environmental costs for the project life-cycle have been incorporated into a publicly accessible project cost-benefit analysis;
  • Proposed project sites do not destroy or submerge critical places of social, ecological, cultural and/or economic value;
  • Affected populations have been meaningfully consulted and given their free, prior and informed consent for the project to advance; and
  • Affected populations have access to effective remedies and complaints/grievance mechanisms that are identified from the outset and function throughout the project cycle.

For approved projects where repeated safeguard violations are noted by affected people and /or civil society groups, we recommend that undisbursed funding be put on hold while these concerns are investigated and until comprehensive mitigation measures are in place to fully address the situation.

Download in English: Briefing on the Greater Mekong Subregion Energy Investments

In Thai

In Khmer