
Feeding Southeast Asia: Mekong River Fisheries and Regional Food Security

Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Mekong River supports the world’s largest inland fishery. Its economic worth at first-sale value is at least US$2 billion per year and up to US$9.4 billion per year taking into account secondary industries. Yet, whilst contributing significantly to the regional economy, economic data such as this fails to capture the fisheries’ total value. From riverside communities to urban areas, throughout the Mekong Region, the river’s wild-capture fish are a vital source of animal protein and nutrients, making them central to regional food security.This paper outlines the importance of the Meko

Proteccion de Rios y Derechos - Recomendaciones Para la Accion de la Comision Mundial de Represas

Thursday, July 1, 2010
La Comisión Mundial de Represas independiente (CMR) fue creada en mayo de 1998, con el apoyo del Banco Mundial y la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza (UICN). Su mandato fue examinar la efectividad de desarrollo de las represas, y crear normas y directrices para futuros proyectos. La Comisión estuvo inte- grada por 12 representantes de los sectores gubernamental, industrial, académico y de la sociedad civil, y fue presidida por Kader Asmal, entonces Ministro de Recursos Hídricos de Sudáfrica. ACERCA DE ESTA GUIA INFORMATIVA Esta guía informativa se centra en las principales catego

A Conexão Hidrelétricas e Alumínio

Close to half of all energy consumed by the aluminum industry comes from hydroelectric dams, and the industry believes that this percentage will increase in the coming years. The size of this increase will depend both on the industry's assimilation of social and environmental costs created by the dams in cost-benefit calculations, and on a better comprehension of the effects of hydroelectric dams on climate change through their release of methane and CO2.

A Green Energy Plan for Mozambique

Cahora Bassa power lines bypass Zambezi villagers
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Cahora Bassa power lines bypass Zambezi villagers Lori Pottinger Mozambique has among the lowest uses of electricity in the world. Yet virtually all of the electricity it does produce from Cahora Bassa Dam on the Zambezi is shipped to its wealthy neighbor, South Africa. As the government prepares to build another costly large dam on the Zambezi that will also power South Africa rather than homes and businesses in Mozambique, a new report lays out a saner plan for developing renewable energy sources across the nation that would share the energy wealth more equitably; diversify the national ele

Theun-Hinboun: Expanding Failure

Monday, November 16, 2009
An assessment of the Theun-Hinboun Expansion Project’s compliance with Equator Principles and Lao law The Theun-Hinboun Expansion Project – a dam and diversion project under construction in Central Laos – violates the Equator Principles and Lao law, according to this report. Expanding Failure documents how Lao villagers are being sold down the river in a hydro deal that will displace thousands of people from their homes and land, and deprive thousands more of access to fertile rice fields, riverbank vegetable gardens, grazing lands, forests and fisheries. The dam project undermines loca

China, Africa and the Environment

Thursday, November 5, 2009
A Briefing Paper on the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation The fourth summit conference of the Forum for China Africa Co-operation (FOCAC) takes place in Sharm-el Sheikh, Egypt, on November 8-9, 2009. The FOCAC process has so far resulted in an impressive strengthening of the cooperation between China and Africa, and has reduced Africa's dependency on Western powers. Yet from a civil society perspective, the process has two fundamental shortcomings: It has boosted financial and economic cooperation, but has so far neglected to deal seriously with the environmental challenges that have arisen a

A Critique of the IHA’s Draft Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
In 2008, the International Hydropower Association (IHA), in collaboration with other partners, established the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Forum (Forum) to create a new evaluation tool for hydropower projects. The 14 Forum members - from government, industry, funding agencies and four NGOs - have been conducting their work primarily in closed meetings, although documents have been disclosed on the IHA website. The draft Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (Protocol) was disclosed in August 2009 and will be finalized in early 2010. The Forum is soliciting comments on the Pro

Belo Monte Experts Panel Report

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The true costs of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Project, planned for the Xingu River in the Brazilian Amazon, have been revealed in an independent review by a panel of 40 specialists. The panel found that the dam would have serious consequences for the region, its inhabitants, and ecosystems of the Amazon rainforest. The panel - comprised of scientists from major Brazilian research institutions - reviewed the project's environmental impact assessment and delivered a 230-page report to Ibama, the Brazilian government's environmental agency, on October 1st, 2009. One of the mo

Análise Crítica do Estudo de Impacto Ambiental Belo Monte

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Especialistas vinculados a diversas Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa identificam e analisam, de acordo com a sua especialidade, graves problemas e sérias lacunas no EIA de Belo Monte.


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