
The World Commission on Dams and Epupa Dam

Epupa has been under consideration by the government since the early 1990s. The government has hired consultants to prepare feasibility studies on the dam, and has held some public hearings on the project. But the process thus far has been flawed, and does not measure up to the WCD's recommendations. Following are some ways in which the planning process for Epupa thus far falls short: Rights and Risks: The WCD guidelines are based on a "rights and risks" approach to development. This means that all stakeholders whose rights might be affected, and all stakeholders who have

On the Wrong Side of Development: Lessons Learned from the LHWP

Thursday, June 1, 2006
The Lesotho Highlands Water Project was expected to offer direct developmental benefits to Lesotho's citizens, and especially its dam-affected people, in the form of jobs, better roads, tourism growth, water supply, environmental protection, and other things. But instead, the LHWP brought suffering to the communities resettled to make way for the project’s huge dams and roads. Tales of demolished houses, fields destroyed, hopes dashed are testimony to the cruel results of the project, a sad contradiction to the project’s treaty which promised a life “not inferior to one obtaining befo

Dams and Development: A New Framework for Decision-Makers

Monday, March 1, 2004
Based on the WCD Report and the South African Initiative on the WCD

Can the Nile States Dam Their Way To Cooperation?

Monday, March 1, 2004
Download this report (PDF, 220KB) “One day, every last drop of water which drains into the whole valley of the Nile… shall be equally and amicably divided among the river people, and the Nile itself … shall perish gloriously and never reach the sea.” -Winston Churchill, 1908 Introduction The Nile Basin – home to 160 million people in 10 countries, four of which are “water scarce” – has for years been a global hotspot for potential conflict over water resources. Water experts elieve there is not enough water in the river to meet the various irrigation goals of the Nile

Plan Puebla Panama Exists and Mesoamerica Resists

Sunday, January 1, 2006
On March 12, 2001 Mexican President Vicente Fox officially announced the launch of the Plan Puebla Panama (PPP), with the goal of bringing development to theso-called "backward south" of Mexico and to promote Mesoamerican regional integration. In the five years since then, public resources have been used to create, extend and modernize infrastructure for transportation and energy.These projects' primary beneficiaries are enormous transational corporations governed by the logic of free plunder -- otherwise known as free trade. Produced by UCIZONI - Mexico Download file

Tercer Foro Mesoamericano sobre las Represas - El Salvador

Saturday, July 17, 2004
Carolina, San Miguel, El Salvador 2004 THE CAROLINA DECLARATION In the municipality of Carolina, department of San Miguel, El Salvador, 536 people affected by and at risk of displacement due to the construction of dams and projects to privatize water as promoted by governments, transnational companies and financial institutions, from the Meso-American region and other international communities, we have come together at the Third Meso-American Forum Against Dams to share our struggles and problems and to build strategies to defend our lives. For three days, we, women and men from Panama, Cost

Segundo Foro Mesoamericano contra las Represas

Thursday, July 24, 2003
DECLARACIÓN DEL II FORO MESOAMERICANO CONTRA LAS REPRESAS "POR EL AGUA Y LA VIDA DE LOS PUEBLOS" La Esperanza Intibuca, Honduras Del 17 al 20 de julio del 2003 Preocupados por la creciente invasión de proyectos de construcción de represas que vienen imponiendo las grandes transnacionales y organismo multilaterales en alianza con los gobierno corrupto de la región Mesoamericana, nos reunimos alrededor de 150 compañeros y compañeras afectados, desplazados y desplazadas, viuda, huérfanos y sobrevivientes de la represión desatada por la construcción de represas.  Ba

Primer Foro Mesoamericano sobre las Represas

Saturday, March 23, 2002
DECLARACION DEL FORO MESOAMERICANO POR LA VIDA "AGUA, LUZ Y TIERRA PARA LOS PUEBLOS" Cooperativa Unión Maya Itzá, Petén Guatemala Durante los días 21 al 23 de marzo nos hemos reunido hombres y mujeres de 98 organizaciones y comunidades de 21 países del mundo ante la preocupación general causada por los planes de construcción de represas con diferentes fines en diferentes regiones. Bajar documento


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