Press Release

Belo Monte Dam Does Not Meet Equator Principles, Say Rights Groups

Monday, November 7, 2011
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Brasilia, Brazil – The controversial Belo Monte Dam, slated for construction in Brazil's Amazon region, does not meet the standards of an international framework used by the world's largest private banks to evaluate sustainability, say human rights groups in Brazil. In a letter sent to Itaú, Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Santander, and Caixa Econômica Federal, 150 Brazilian social and environmental organizations warned that Belo Monte developer Norte Energia, S.A. (NESA) has not complied with the Equator Principles, a set of voluntary standards created in 2003 that aid

Hundreds Occupy Belo Monte Dam Site in Brazilian Amazon

    For Immediate Release October 28, 2011 UPDATE: Statement from partners on #OCCUPYBELOMONTEDAM Altamira, Brazil - (Direct statement by participating groups, as translated) Yesterday the Belo Monte Dam construction site was occupied by 400 indigenous people, fishermen and riverine community members who oppose the project due to its severe environmental impacts and human rights violations. The occupation was a collective decision from 700 representatives from local communities who attended a seminar against the Belo Monte Dam held this week in Altamira, and proved an important step

Judge Calls License in Controversial Amazon Dam Project Illegal

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Brazilian federal judge votes for indigenous rights; argues Belo Monte Dam violates Constitution and international conventions Brasilia, Brazil―In a landmark decision on Monday, a federal judge in Brazil voted that the environmental licensing of the controversial Belo Monte Dam is illegal given the lack of consultations with affected indigenous communities. The vote is the first step in a long-awaited decision by a federal circuit court regarding a lawsuit filed in 2006 by the Federal Public Prosecutors’ Office that could ultimately bring the case before Brazil’s Supreme Court. In agre

A la Corte Suprema llegará controversia legal por HidroAysén

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Luego de rechazo de Corte de Apelaciones de Puerto Montt a recursos de protección. "Recurriremos ante la instancia superior porque creemos que tenemos los argumentos legales y de fondo que demuestran que la decisión adoptada por la Comisión de Evaluación Ambiental vulnera garantías constitucionales y es completamente ilegal" aseguró el abogado del Consejo de Defensa de la Patagonia, Marcelo Castillo. Desde la Región de Aysén Peter Hartmann, coordinador del Coalición Ciudadana por Aysén Reserva de Vida, afirma que "esperan revertir la medida apelando a la Corte Suprema,

UNFCCC Approves Controversial Coal and Hydro Projects in India

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
For immediate release Brussels, 5 October 2011. The CDM Executive Board approved two controversial Indian mega projects: a new coal fired power plant and a hydro power plant which had recently made headlines because of its non‐additionality and the harm reportedly caused to the local population. CDM Watch, Sierra Club and International Rivers condemn the decisions and call on the Board to publish the findings of the review assessments that approve the compliance with CDM requirements for these projects. Despite heavy criticism about the environmental integrity of coal projects in the CDM,

Myitsone Dam Suspension a Breakthrough for Burma’s Civil Society

Myitsone Dam site
Friday, September 30, 2011
For immediate release Myitsone Dam site In a stunning move, Burma’s President today announced that the Myitsone Dam on the Irrawaddy River would be halted “to respect the will of the people.” International Rivers welcomes this decision as a fantastic breakthrough for civil society groups in Burma and their partners in China and around the world. Grace Mang, program coordinator at International Rivers, said: “The suspension of the Myitsone Dam is a great success for civil society groups in Burma and throughout the world. The decision shows that dam builders can no longer rely on dict

WikiLeaks Puts Integrity of UN Carbon Offsetting Scheme Under Question

Monday, September 19, 2011
For immediate release Large Hydro Project in India Under ScrutinyWikiLeaks Puts Integrity of UN Carbon Offsetting Scheme Under QuestionBrussels, 19 September 2011. CDM Watch and International Rivers call on the CDM Executive Board to reject the mega Rampur Hydroelectric Project in India from receiving CDM carbon credits because it does not comply with essential CDM requirements. They also call on the Swedish Energy Agency, as a party involved in the project, to prove compliance with World Commission of Dams criteria. A cable released by WikiLeaks earlier this month states that Indian proje

Illegal Construction on the Xayaburi Dam Forges Ahead

Thursday, August 4, 2011
For immediate release Lao PDR Unilaterally Moves Forward In Spite of Commitments to Temporarily Suspend the ProjectBangkok, Thailand: A field visit to the site of the proposed Xayaburi Dam has revealed that construction on the dam's access road and work-camp is rapidly forging ahead, in spite of commitments by the Government of Laos to temporarily suspend the project. The trip to the Xayaburi Dam site on July 23rd revealed that a substantial construction camp has been established near Ban Talan village with at least a few hundred workers. An access road leading down to the dam site was

Laos Steamrolls Neighbors in Xayaburi Dam Process

Thursday, June 23, 2011
For Immediate Release Government Unilaterally Claims Regional Consultation Process Complete Bangkok, Thailand: Laos appears to have defied its neighbors in a move to press ahead with the proposed Xayaburi Dam on the Mekong Mainstream, despite concerns raised by neighboring governments and regional civil society groups. A letter leaked to International Rivers, dated June 8, 2011, reveals that the Lao Government has informed the Xayaburi project developer Ch. Karnchang that the Mekong River Commission's (MRC) regional decision-making process is now complete, presumably giving Ch. Karnc

El Comienzo del Fin de HidroAysen

Monday, June 20, 2011
Abogado del Consejo de Defensa de la Patagonia: "ESTE ES EL COMIENZO DEL FIN DE HIDROAYSÉN" El jurista del Consejo de Defensa de la Patagonia (CDP), Marcelo Castillo indicó que en un plazo de seis meses a un año la Corte de Apelaciones de Puerto Montt podría resolver el fondo de los cuestionamientos impugnados por los representados. Santiago, 20 junio 2011. El Consejo de Defensa de la Patagonia valoró la decisión de la Corte de Apelaciones de Puerto Montt, que declaró esta mañana admisibles los tres recursos de protección presentados por diversos parlamentarios, alcaldes


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