World Bank

World Bank Reneges on Its Promise to Protect Key Biodiversity Site on Uganda’s White Nile

Previously protected stretch of the White Nile that will be submerged by Isimba Dam
Last month, the World Bank signed away its legal obligation to protect Uganda’s Kalagala Falls, a site of immense spiritual and biodiversity value near the headwaters of the Nile River.

Take Action: Power 4 People!

Thursday, September 26, 2013
International Rivers is partnering with groups around the world to organize a Power 4 People international day of action on October 12, 2013. Find out how you can get involved and demand that the World Bank and other institutions stop funding dirty energy projects and invest in clean local energy for all.

Power 4 People Call for Action

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The Power 4 People campaign calls for a fundamental shift in global energy lending to ensure universal access to modern energy for all people in a sustainable and climate-resilient way by 2030. This platform includes the demands for governments and international finance institutions.

Power 4 People

Community-based solar power in Orissa/India (Dipti Vaghela)
Despite billions invested in the energy sector, 1.3 billion people still do not have access to electricity. The World Bank and other international finance institutions continue to invest in large hydropower and fossil fuels despite a history of environmental devastation, destroyed livelihoods and economic boondoggles. International Rivers is working to pressure institutions to invest in decentralized energy solutions that increase access for the poor.

International Court Finds Guatemala Guilty for Rio Negro Massacres

Carlos Chen Osorio, who lost his wife and two toddler daughters in the massacre, leads the row during the Via Crucis
Carlos Chen Osorio, who lost his wife and two toddler daughters in the massacre, leads the row during the Via Crucis. Photo by James Rodriguez For more than 20 years, the Maya-Achi people displaced by the Chixoy Dam have sought justice for the massacre of their husbands, wives and children that took place during Guatamala's civil war in the early 1980s. Last week their years of effort were finally recognized when the Inter-American Court on Human Rights found Guatemala guilty of the violation of human rights against the communities of Rio Negro. “After so many years struggling to seek justi

World Bank Approves Power Line to Gibe III Dam

These women are some of the thousands of Omo Valley people who will be affected by Gibe III Dam
The World Bank has approved a transmission line that will link Kenya's power grid to the controversial Gibe III Dam, which is considered to be Africa's most destructive dam.

Piñera and the World Bank Support HidroAysén

As I get ready to head up to Nevada City, CA for screenings of Patagonia Rising at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival today, I can't help but reflect on the current state of the campaign to protect Patagonia from the HidroAysén dams and transmission lines. The Supreme Court of Chile heard the case against HidroAysén on Friday December 23, 2011. A verdict is expected sometime this month, although the court could be sneaky and issue their ruling in February, when everyone in Chile is on vacation (think August in Europe and the US), and the likelihood of mass protests would be at its lowes

Why India Doesn't Need World Bank Energy Funding

Friday, June 3, 2011
Ahead of the release of the World Bank's revised energy strategy, the Ecologist speaks to sustainable development advocate Srinivas Krishnaswamy about why despite huge gigawatt power projects, 45 per cent of India's households still lack electricity Does India need the World Bank? Not really, if you are looking at funding from the World Bank for energy projects. The World Bank does not directly fund both of the energy projects coming up in India. Some of it is coming from the IFC but then you have the private sector also investing heavily into energy infrastructure. When it comes to

World Bank Energy Strategy Promotes Large Dams

Protest against the World Bank's Sardar Sarovar Dam in India
Protest against the World Bank's Sardar Sarovar Dam in India Large hydropower projects have sold poor people and the environment down the river. They are usually built to provide benefits to urban middle classes and industrial centers rather than the poor, have serious environmental impacts, and are not resilient to climate change. In spite of their bad track record, the World Bank wants to increase lending for large dams in its new Energy Strategy. The new Energy Strategy will be discussed by the Bank’s Board members in April 2011. It will guide the future lending priorities of the most

What is Driving Dams in Africa?

Friday, December 10, 2010
From December 2010 World Rivers Review More than a billion people spread across 54 countries inhabit Africa, the world's second largest continent. International Rivers is tracking nearly 150 proposed large dams across those 54 countries. People from Kenya to Ghana, from Sudan to Zambia, from Uganda to Lesotho are under threat from dam building. Yet the immediate threat facing African rivers – including its biggest, such as the Congo, Nile, Niger and Zambezi – is relatively small compared to other basins, such as the Mekong. The limited number of dams is due to the same factors that thr


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