Happy Trails

Martina Plaza

Protesters in Istanbul, Turkey on March 14.
Protesters in Istanbul, Turkey on March 14.
As the Day of Action for Rivers 2010 has now passed, the time has come for me to end my all too short internship here at International Rivers. With hundreds of e-mails exchanged, 350 stickers mailed, 37 pictures put up, and all 136 actions posted, I am wrapping things up, and helping with preliminary preparations for next year. Here are the highlights from March 14, 2010:

  • More than 136 actions in over 27 countries were recorded.
  • International Day of Action for Rivers materials including 65 brochures, 350 stickers, and 70 posters were mailed to six countries.
  • Israel participated for the first time, holding youth-centered events that focused on keeping the Alexander River and Jordan River clean.
  • Participants in Chile demonstrated their commitment to rivers by holding their actions, though slightly postponed, in spite of the devastating earthquake in February. 
  • 25,000 people participated in the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum's 13-day march in support of the Indus River. 
  • A total of 20 movements were organized in Turkey, making this year the biggest Day of Action for Rivers the country has ever had.

Just with these few high points, you get an idea of the kinds of amazing events and enthusiasm that met the Day of Action for Rivers this year. It's been a great pleasure and enormous learning experience working with the International Rivers staff to record this global celebration of rivers. I will be forever inspired by the never-ending dedication of the participants and supporters I've been in touch with during my time here.

A final, special congratulations to everyone one who participated, and helped make this year's Day of Action for Rivers the most monumental one yet. For more information about any of these extraordinary events, check out the actions by region page on our website. And don't forget to look out for my upcoming article in World Rivers Review!